Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Progress #1 - Rough Cut & Feedback

My first draft was shown to the my class so that I could get some peer feedback in order for me to go away and make my film better. The big suggestion from my class was to make the final shot more clear, to me this was quite hard hitting as it was the shot I was most proud of. But now I see what was wrong with it, I am still happy with it and I don't think it is a bad shot, but the most impactful moment at the end does not deliver and engage with the emotional response that I was aiming for. The hand revealed at the end was not clear, and I didn't realize, maybe it is because I knew what it was, but for the audience it was just an oddly shaped shadow. 

(Review from teacher)

Plan of action:

I am going to adapt to the feedback I received by re-shooting the final shot, however this time I am going to try my original plan of revealing a body instead of just a hand. I think a new shot of a more clear body/deceased will make for a more clear and chilling ending. I am also going to finish working on the music so that I can start getting everything ready so I can start to pull everything together before I begin my final.

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