Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Silence of the Lambs - Conversation analysis


Conversation Analysis - The First Meeting

During the conversation between Hannibal Lecter and Clarice, a power shift is shown with the use of framing and positioning. This is shown when Clarice takes a seat offered to her by Hannibal, which puts her in a smaller and lower position than the standing Hannibal making him appear larger to the audience. The framing and positioning further enhances this as it presents Hannibal Lecter as a larger and more intimidating person on the screen, this is done by having him take up more space in each shot by using close ups on his face. In addition to this, we also see Hannibal taking up more screen time compared to Clarice, as he is more present with more lines, leaving Clarice to be shown in reaction Sshots only. This means that the audience is exposed to Hannibal more, meaning he has a more interesting and significant role to play during this scene. One particular shot that presents this Is when Hannibal is shown next to Clarice in the reflection of the glass panel separating the characters, giving the audience the Impression that no barrier can block Hannibal Lecter from getting to you, as it looks like he is talking into Starlings ear. Due to the fact that this happens, the power is given to Hannibal to manipulate the situation in a way that will leave him coming out on top as the “winner” of the confrontation.

In addition to this, a power shift can be used with the use of Dialogue and the delivery of lines. This is shown to us when we first meet Hannibal who is presented as a calm, polite and collected person who speaks softly, however upon Inviting Clarice to take a seat, he speaks with a hasher tone, whilst still keeping the softness shown to the audience earlier In the discussion. His voice becomes more intimidating and he becomes more rude loosing the politeness previously shown, proving to the audience that he has gained more control over Clarice. Mocking her clothes and accent Hannibal proves that he has a higher status as the audience sees a reversal of roles and he begins to ask her, the interrogator, questions. During the beginning of the conversation, Clarice Is slightly shaky and uncomfortable whilst talking to Hannibal. The discomfort she feels develops into fear as Hannibal picks on her, making his stance as the dominant partner of the discussion more evident. By doing this it conveys to the audience that Hannibal is a the witty character that has the ability to manipulate any situation to the way he wants, showing that he is a victor.

It is apparent that the changes in the identified composition do match with the power shift that is apparent in the conversation. This is obvious due each different change Impacts the course of the conversation, making characters either more or less powerful and controlled. This means that the audience viewing the conversation can pick up on the change in dominance easily. This shows that the character, Hannibal Lecter was the most significant within the scene as he leaves the most lasting impression on the audience as a well spoken and domination man who can weave himself through a situation so that he can come out on top, as we saw in the confrontation he did It by turning the tides on the authority of Clarice, making her answer to him and making her a smaller and a more vulnerable character to the likes of Hannibal the cannibal despite being separated by a barrier. To conclude, the power shift in this scene is created through change, more specifically the change of dialogue used by characters, and the change of framing and positioning, making for a more lasting impression on the audience after the first introduction to the profound character of Hannibal Lecter.


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