Monday, March 14, 2022

Demographics: Target Audience

 Target Audience

(The Batman, 2022)

(Pearl and Dean)

The Batman is a 2022 film that released into cinema's early March. The main premise revolves around Bruce Wayne trying to uncover frequent killings from the hidden killer known as The Riddler. The film is very heavily inspired by Se7en (1995) and fits within the genre of a Thriller. 

(Batman, 2022)

Mostly men watch Batman (69%), and the reason why this is comes down to the way that Batman, or men, within the film seem to be portrayed. This links back to representation as Batman/Bruce Wayne is portrayed as a strong and capable man, who also has the body type that is seen as attractive among societal expectations and standards.

The majority of the age demographic for Batman is made up on people between 25-34 years old. This age group might be more likely to go to see Batman as there are themes and images too dark and mature for younger audiences. This age group are more likely to be entertained by Batman as it is more appealing and "epic" to them than it might be to an older age group. 

There is a more dominant (59%) middle-upper class audience watching Batman. The main reason for this most likely comes down to the characters and relevance of money within the movie. This is primarily seen with Bruce Wayne who is a billionaire, therefore the cinema would be majorly populated with the middle and upper classes. 

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