Thursday, February 24, 2022

Color Grading

I had a goal with the coloring of my shots, I knew that some of them were too dark and some of them were too dull, and so I wanted to make them either a little bit brighter or to make them pop. So I used the color grading features within Final Cut Pro to change the colors and exposure. 

More specifically, I chose to add prominent colors throughout the cooking scene which was looking flat and dull considering it was meant to act as the most colorful scene in my film. I think that amplifying the red really helped make the cooking scene more lively and more interesting.
In order to change the coloring, I tried using the color wheels and the gradient, to which I found that the color wheels were the best to use. They gave me more control changing the scene and it was clear what was changing in the shot based on what I was doing with the wheels. 

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