Creating The Costume: Accessories
Tie -
(JoJolion, 2011)
I first thought of this shot type when I first saw the trailer for The King's Man, in which there is one very quick shot of the main character suiting up and adjusting his tie. I thought that it looked really cool and it told me the kind of man this person is, which I thought was a really great example of the show-not-tell element to film making, and that is something I really want to achieve within my own work.
Cufflinks -
Mr. Fantasy's plain suit may even prove to be a little bit too boring, and I started to get a little bit concerned and wondered if I've made the right choice or not. So I looked at the suit accessories that I had, I had cufflinks that peaked my interest, however they seemed a little too exciting for someone who's wardrobe is boring suits and grey. I thought they were too child-like and they wouldn't be taken seriously by the audience. That was until I came across them again, and as I looked at them I thought that they would work really well.
Now that I look at them they are very questionable to whether or not a murderer would wear them, but nevertheless, I do have my reasons. I mentioned in the 'Creating A Character' blog post that I looked at a very still faced expression for Mr. Fantasy, however since we don't see his eyes, I need to convey his emotionlessness some other way, which is wear my cufflinks come in. Robots are usually still faced with no expression, and they are like this throughout all sorts of media, emotionless shells. I suppose another example of how they would work is similar to the way that Stormtroopers in Star Wars wear those cold white, empty helmets with no expression whatsoever.
(Storm Troopers, Star Wars)
(Wonder Of U, JoJolion)
And this is why I will use the cufflinks, even though they will only appear for one or two shots, they will serve the purpose of presenting that creepy lifeless stare that Mr. Fantasy would have. Therefore, despite their slight childish-ness, they will hopefully work in the way that I want them to.
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